In a moment you turn around and life has changed. I used to be a girl who wished she was married and had babies..I was that girl for a long time~ then in a blink of an eye that changed.
Then I was a girl with a new husband and a baby on the way.
Then I was a mommy with a husband who was working 85 hours a week. I had a husband who worked so much and was under so much stress that he lost to much weight that myself and others were worried for him.
Then I was a mommy who had two little ones and was pregnant and had a husband who was working at a good but boring job.
Now I am the Mom to three school children and the wife/girlfriend to my Hubby AND, he and I are the entertainment for our friend Em..
It only takes a moment for your life to turn around and you become a different person, one that you never knew you could or would be.. I hope that I am ready for whatever moment comes next.