We had three nights of Christmas Dinners..
One with Grandpa and Aunt Patty,
One with Jim & Jeanette and their kids and Grandpa (and a quick hello from Aunt Patty)
One with the Walters family & Grandpa ;)
Katie in front of the tree.
great cousins
Sam and the girls
all three can ride together! :)
Walters and Larsen kids..a fun time!
Dinner with the Webb's Yumm~o
Family Time
(we all missed Mike and Kathi & Heather but we understood.)
Sam and his presents.. church pants & pj's and socks and books from Bestemor & Aunt Patty and planes & legos from us.. AND the SPRUCE GOOSE from secret Santa. We got our "Jule Pakke" package from Bestemor Astrid (Rune's mom) a week or so ago and waited to show them to the kids til Christmas eve so they would have more fun things to open :)
The girls got matching dresses and socks and dolls & pj's from Bestemor! books and hair bands from Aunt Patty and Tinkerbell's from momma and daddy and Santa too. They all got a Yellow ride on toy from our secret Santa too. It was a much bigger year than I thought it was going to be. We have had kindness shown to us by so many people with cookies and visits and love.. Christmas is a wonderful season with great dreams and blessings.
CHRISTMAS EVE dinner with Grandpa and Aunt Patty. We had a nice roast and every one was well fed.
Lilly wrapping Momma's present a new stock pot. I have only ever had my moms.. now I have one with a lid that fits..lol
Katie is a great wrapper. Lots of tape!!
I really felt like it was a nice year..I was able to do everything with out getting sick or being worn out(which nver happens to me you know..lol) so I am going to count that as yet another Christmas blessing! :0) HO HO HO